  • 成人 超过12岁
  • 儿童 2 至 12 岁
  • 2岁以下的儿童 无座位

路线Рига-Гомель (16:00) зима

承运人: BS Филиал "Автобусный парк №1" ОАО "Гомельоблавтотранс" 排名: 4,0 Weekdays: 14.03, 21.03, 28.03, 04.04, 11.04, 18.04, 25.04, 02.05, 09.05, 16.05
汽车: 查看照片 路线: 路线Рига-Гомель (16:00) зима
  • Luggage:
    Luggage up to 30 kg. or 0.5 m. one hand luggage, which should not exceed the size 60*40*20 and it should not be heavier than 5 kg, transported at no additional cost.
  • Discounts:
    10% The group of 10 people
    10% Pensioner
    10% Disabled people of the 1st 2nd group
    10% Children 13-18 years
    50% Children 0-12 years old (including 12 years)

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